




Huntley, Illinois





艾米丽庄 ’27, a recipient of the Hays Presidential Scholarship, is enrolled the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) early acceptance program. This 4+4 year direct medical program guarantees her a spot at the LECOM medical school after she receives her bachelor’s degree at Carthage.

As an undergraduate student, Emily has had many opportunities to gain experience in her area of study. She works as biology lab assistant for Carthage’s Phage Hunters Lab. She’s also gained internships at OrthoIllinois and the Sudden Cardiac-Death Awareness Research Foundation, which allow her to shadow esteemed healthcare professionals.

Learn about 生物学 Student Opportunities


“I absolutely love how pretty the school looks and the small class sizes.”

艾米丽庄, ’27


“The faculty are always willing to help and answer any questions. This makes it super easy to get any of my concerns answered in a timely manner.”


“I absolutely loved Molecules, Cells, Organisms, which included the Phage Hunters Lab. This lab was such a fun and unique experience. We began the semester with the sole goal of discovering phage in a soil sample. Bacteriophage is a type of virus that infects a bacterial host cell to replicate and consists of three main parts: head, 尾巴, 尾巴纤维. Our research specifically hoped to gain high titer lysate from Arnie. We also anticipated extracting large amounts of DNA from our high-titer lysate. The goal was to extract enough DNA to be used in further research on Arnie.”

Campus involvement

“Currently, I am involved in the 化学俱乐部, Pre-Health俱乐部, STEM领域的女性.”

Internships or campus employment

“I gained an internship at OrthoIllinois and the Sudden Cardiac-Death Awareness Research Foundation (S.C.A.R.F. )的夏天. At OrthoIllinois, I am fortunate to be able to shadow Dr. Michael Harvey in both a clinical and surgical setting. I aspire to become a surgeon, so this internship will help me gain more experience in the operating room and be able to observe all necessary precautions.

“I have been involved in the S.C.A.R.F. internship program for four years. This program allows me to work on research projects with other S.C.A.R.F实习生. We then present our research projects to a panel of judges. Through this program, I get first-hand experience with dissections, guest speakers, clinics, etc. I do this by shadowing both a cardiologist and a dentist.”


“I have always had a passion for pursuing medicine. I am passionate about learning osteopathic manipulative techniques to alleviate and prevent pain. I desire to be a physician who will raise community awareness about compassionate patient care and illness prevention. I am leaning towards either becoming a cardiac surgeon or a neurosurgeon.”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus is the rock walking pathway behind The Tower as it has such a pretty view of the lake!”


“Some of my favorite Carthage memories so far have definitely been meeting my friends and spending time together. The people I have met here have become some of my closest friends, I cannot imagine life without them. They bring me so much joy and always put me in a good mood. I have also really enjoyed taking walks by the rocks and lake. Carthage has such a pretty view, so my friends and I love taking advantage of it.”


“A study tip that I have used for so long is to plan ahead. I love staying organized and keep track of all of my assignments and upcoming tests. I do this by making a giant Google spreadsheet with all upcoming tasks. This way, I can easily know when I need to work on something or start studying for a test. When studying, I also love using whiteboards to keep track of my thoughts and practice active recall.”

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